The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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57 lines
FEDTAX85.WKS is a Lotus 1-2-3 template that contains the following
Federal tax forms and schedules:
FORMS ------ 1040,2106,2441,5695,4562
NOTE: This version (10/3/85) uses the 1984 tax forms, BUT is also
uses the 1985 tax tables, so all computations are accurate
for the 1985 tax year.
This template requires 192k of memory and will run on any version
of Lotus 1-2-3. If other spreadsheet programs can read and trans-
late Lotus WKS files, then this template should work with them.
To use the FEDTAX85 worksheet simply enter your tax information
on the appropriate schedules and forms. The worksheet is protected
so you need not worry about overlaying any formulas, etc. When
all data is entered, simply press PF9 to do the final computation.
1: Make sure you enter your salary information onto Schedule
'W' if you need to use this schedule. This information is
NOT picked up automatically from Form 1040.
2. Enter the number of exemptions and your filing status in the
areas provided at the top of Form 1040. All zero bracket
amounts, dividend exclusions, etc. will be automatically
calculated with this data. Tax Rate schedules X (Single), Y
(Married,etc) and Z (Unmarried Heads of Household) are pro-
vided. If you file 'Married Filing Separate Returns', then
you must override the tax computation formula on line 38 of
Form 1040.
3. The only difference between this early version of FEDTAX85
and the one that will be available in early January of 1986
is the detail of the forms themselves. Although FEDTAX85.WKS
uses 1984 forms, it is unlikely that these forms will change
greatly when the 1985 forms are available in late December.
Therefore, FEDTAX85.WKS will still be useful to do monthly
or quarterly 1985 Federal tax liability analysis.
4. Depreciation from Form 4562 for other than real estate will
need to be entered on the appropriate tax form manually. All
depreciation for rental housing or most other 15 year proper-
ties will be automatically carried to Schedule E. However,the
depreciation for 3 or 5 year capital properties will need to
be entered on your particular tax return wherever you deem
appropriate. For example, the depreciation for your PC as 5
year Capital Equipment could be carried forward to Schedule
A, Line 24 and entered as a Miscellaneous Deduction.